Wheel Test Apparatus
Our corrosion testing laboratory also includes the Wheel Test apparatus for corrosion inhibitor performance testing. The Wheel Test is typically used as an initial test of all corrosion inhibitors in the brine. The brine is de-aerated with CO2 for 2 hours and the purged brine is transferred to the wheel test bottle where inhibitor is injected at prescribed treatment levels. A CO2 headspace is provided and the test proceeds onto the wheel test apparatus. Each inhibitor dose is tested in triplicate. An additional three bottles will be run with no inhibitor to determine a blank corrosion rate. The coupons used in the wheel test are made of UNS G10100 mild carbon steel shim stock (15 cm x 1.3 cm x 0.2 mm). The sealed bottles are placed inside a wheel test apparatus set to a maximum temperature of 75°C and rotated for 72 hours. Weight loss on the coupons is recorded over the exposure period to determine the corrosion rate and coupons are inspected to document if localized or general corrosion has occurred.