Established in 1977, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Cormetrics has a team of experts that provide corrosion testing for the Oil and Gas Industry. We provide our clients with high quality cost effective results and advice in a timely and efficient manner. We offer full state of the art failure analysis and corrosion testing (electrochemical corrosion inhibitor and alloy evaluations, crude corrosivity assessment and corrosion coupon analysis), chemical program guidance and field investigations.
Serving the oil and gas industry for over 35 years, we provide lab testing with consulting services to petroleum producing and transmission companies. We solve problems in the areas of inhibitor and alloy selection, chemical program review, failure assessment, system analysis and corrosion prevention, specializing in specific testing techniques that bring added value to our clients in the area of petroleum system integrity.
We have the tools and the latest technology for oil and gas producers to make informed decisions on which corrosion inhibitors are best suited for their systems and we also review their corrosion mitigation or production chemical programs to highlight any gaps or mistakes.
Together we provide expertise for our clients throughout the Full Life Cycle of a project.